Interviews Completed

Adam “Doseone” Drucker talks Score Wars and the Galaga Championship.

John Wilson - The Balrog - The man behind Zenobi and a large number of fantastic adventures.

Owner of classic ZX81 publishing house Software Farm.

Rebecca Ford of Digital Extremes talks Warframe: The War Within, developers and PC & Console differences

Interview: Bob Smith of Bob’s Stuff on creating a new wave of ZX81 and ZX Spectrum games

Musician Dave Rogers talks about the 1980’s computer scene, his influences and Chiptune

Rick talks about designing iconic Sinclair machines

Andrew Krausnick discusses Troves’ arrival on the PS4 and Xbox One

Clive Townsend talks about his ZX Spectrum classic Saboteur

Sam Dyer discusses the Nintendo Entertainment System/Famicom: a visual compendium

Rob Williams talks Judge Dredd: Titan

Henrique Olifiers talks about the ZX Spectrum Next

Writer and executive producer of Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency. 17th Feb 2016

Pat Mills talks Dan Dare and his role in bringing him to 2000AD. 5th November 2015

James Brown from Gang Beasts. 14th October 2015

Philip Muwanga, Project Lead on Beyond Flesh and Blood. 13th October 2015

Philip Oliver discusses SkySaga at PLAY Expo. 14th October 2015

Paul Cornell talks Doctor Who. 6th August 2015

Mike Johnson talks Star Trek. 25th July 2015

React Games! CEO Chad Lee talks Super Dungeon Bros. 7th March 2015